BottleRock Napa Valley...

The powers-that-be behind BottleRock Napa Valley never fail to impress me. This year’s festival lineup was announced this morning, boasting so many exciting artists it made my head swim a little: Imagine Dragons. Logic. OneRepublic. Sylvan Esso. Jenny Lewis. AJR. Anderson East. The Dandy Warhols. Neon Trees. Just Loud. Shannon Shaw. Flora Cash. And that’s [&hellip

BottleRock Napa Valley...

Where had the time gone? Somehow it was already Sunday, and Day 1 and Day 2 were already behind us! Sunday promised to have the best weather of all, as well as some acts I’d been really looking forward to. Because I’d missed The Helmets last year – but heard them from my house and was [&hellip

BottleRock Napa Valley...

This year’s Saturday at BottleRock Napa Valley promised to be a beautiful warm and breezy 75 degrees, the perfect weather for a festival full of good music, great food and all the beer, wine, and cocktails you can handle! Once again, there were more acts scheduled than was possible to see all at once, so [&hellip

BottleRock Napa Valley...

Last weekend marked the return of my hometown’s beloved music, food and drink festival, BottleRock Napa Valley, which turned five this Memorial Day weekend. In addition to boasting phenomenal music lineups year after year, BRNV offers a wine garden, a “beer bend,” a silent disco, a beer and bourbon garden, displays of art throughout the [&hellip

Festival Preview: BottleRock...

Ohhhh. Emmm. Geeeee, you guys. Seriously. Like anyone else who’s devoted to her favorite festival, I have been waiting for this morning for quite some time. (Perhaps since last June?) Why? Because that’s when BottleRock Napa Valley was set to announce this year’s lineup. And announce it they did. I knew that Dave Grohl had [&hellip

BottleRock Napa Valley...

You’re reading Day 3. Have you checked out Day 1 and Day 2 as well? I don’t know why, but Day 3 always seems to be the day all my friends attend BottleRock. This year was no exception. Two friends came up from the South Bay, not wanting to miss a moment. While I waited [&hellip

BottleRock Napa Valley...

You’re reading this year’s Day 2. Don’t forget to check out Day 1 too! Day 2 got a bit of a late start, but once inside, I wasted no time at all stopping by Lagunitas for a cold Aunt Sally, which is easily my favorite beer they make, since it’s the least hop-driven! I went [&hellip

BottleRock Napa Valley...

Before I get into all the details of the gloriousness that was this year’s BottleRock Napa Valley, please allow me a moment, not just to digress but to explain why this festival is so important to me. I was born in Napa. As many Napa kids do, I moved away in my early 20s seeking [&hellip

BottleRock Napa Valley...

I think Shakespeare might have been seeing into the future of BottleRock when he said “parting is such sweet sorrow.”  True story: on the last day of the inaugural festival in 2013, I remember thinking that I was like a kid at summer camp; I wanted to just keep coming back, but I knew that [&hellip