Weezer, Spoon, and...

Back in 1994, when Weezer released “Undone – The Sweater Song” and “Buddy Holly,” I was 15. Despite being into grunge bands like Nirvana and Stone Temple Pilots, I was also hiding a pop music-loving heart. Weezer was neither really pop or grunge, but I didn’t care: I loved them. Having said that, I must [&hellip

BottleRock Napa Valley...

(You’re reading Day 3. Be sure to catch up on Day 1 and Day 2!) Day 3 of BottleRock Napa Valley is always bittersweet because it’s the last day, and I want to see more phenomenal artists, but my feet hurt, and I’m ready to get back to my real life, too. While I’ve been [&hellip

BottleRock Napa Valley...

You’re reading Day 2 – be sure to check out what you missed on Day 1! Day 2 of this year’s BottleRock started with similar weather to the previous day. By the time I was done watching Paris Jackson‘s set (my first of the day), I was already warm enough to take my jacket off. [&hellip

BottleRock Napa Valley...

You might not be able to tell by the weather, at least in Napa today, but it’s almost summer! Memorial Day Weekend marks the unofficial start of summer and the arrival of BottleRock Napa Valley’s 10th festival! The day started out pretty chilly, which had me worried that the weekend might be colder than I’d [&hellip

Zach Sherwin’s Crossword...

If you’re reading this, there’s a chance you may already know that those of us who contribute to Spinning Platters are known around here as “music nerds.” While I absolutely identify as such, there’s another term that describes me even better: word nerd. I delight not just in clever wordplay but languages in general, etymology… [&hellip

Doug Benson’s Movie...

Oh, SF Sketchfest, how I’ve missed you. Fortunately, now that we’re living in what I can only call a ‘semi-post-COVID’ world, our favorite local comedy festival has returned. For me, there was only one way to properly celebrate the restoration of a few weeks’ worth of laughs like only Sketchfest can give us: by getting [&hellip

Rodrigo y Gabriela...

It’s been two and a half years since the start of the pandemic. For many of us, things have begun to feel increasingly “normal” again, whatever that means. For me, that means seeing live music regularly, and I couldn’t be happier to have this opportunity back. Every once in a while, I even get to [&hellip

BottleRock Napa Valley...

How come this always happens? I hate that it’s already Sunday, and Day 1 and Day 2 have already come and gone. Fortunately, the blow is softened significantly by some stellar artists on Sunday’s lineup. As soon as I got to the festival, I made my way over to the JaM Cellars stage for Blu [&hellip

BottleRock Napa Valley...

You’re reading Day 2 – be sure to check out what you missed on Day 1! The start of my BottleRock Napa Valley Saturday found me at the Truly stage for OTTTO, a young band with “roots in thrash, funk, and metal.” Bassist Tye Trujillo always draws a big crowd, and while this year I [&hellip