Ahhh, Sketchfest. Where else can you show up 5-10 minutes before show time, dressed down in jeans, a t-shirt, and your favorite sneakers, and still host a live version of your hilarious podcast? This past weekend, that’s exactly what Chuck Bryant did, hosting an episode of Movie Crush with special guest Busy Philipps at the Gateway Theatre on Saturday afternoon. Philipps was, Bryant explained, his #1, 2, and 3 pick of his “dream top 3” guests he submitted to Sketchfest founder Janet Varney when he was invited back to do another episode this year. Like Bryant, I wanted to hear all about Philipps’ movie “crush,” so I showed up early and waited with bated breath.
Like Bryant, Philipps was dressed casually in jeans and tee, sporting gorgeously pink-tinged blonde locks. The very next thing that I noticed was – somewhat surprisingly – the sound of a teeny tiny baby in the crowd somewhere behind me. I noted it, said “awwww…,” and went on about my day. I won’t give away all the goods, because I’d like you to find/listen to this podcast for yourself, but some of the highlights of the conversation included Philipps’ gushing about her bestie Michelle Williams (whom she met on the set of Dawson’s Creek), the tale of her realization that she needs to “remember the core thing that makes me me and stop trying to be anything else,” and the moment when Philipps & Bryant simultaneously noticed the aforementioned infant in the crowd. “BABY?!” They were both momentarily distracted by a desire to hold said child, but eventually moved on.
Philipps told some funny stories about her work as a spokesperson for Michaels craft stores, including how she managed to wear them down over time until they hired her to be a spokesperson, but also including “Michaels Make-offs” with Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa (not together, unfortunately). Philipps also admired Courteney Cox, whom she referred to as a “bad ass bitch” in the most admiring way. All this and she managed to talk a bit about her book, This Will Only Hurt a Little and her show on E!, Busy Tonight.
Eventually, conversation did get around to Philipps’ fave movie, Kicking and Screaming. Bonus points to those in the crowd who’d done their “homework” and watched the movie early. I would have, had I known how to find out her pick in advance. Sadly, I haven’t yet seen it, but after all her gushing about how great the movie/director/producers/cast were, I’m looking forward to it as soon as I can.
In between details about the movie and why Philipps adores it came a great story about a table read she did with Adam Scott, Nia Vardalos, Carlos Jacott & K&S writer/director/actor Noah Baumbach. The pilot for the show never got made, but did lead to Philipps being cast on Freaks & Geeks.
Before wrapping the episode, Bryant fired a few typical questions at Philipps. The one thing I took from the rapid-fire Q&A was the name Phoebe Bridgers, who Philipps mentioned wanting to have on her talk show. This is a name I don’t know, but thanks to Philipps’ plug, I will be checking her out momentarily. Philipps went on to shout out a few soundtracks she loves, too: the ones from Singles and Romeo + Juliet.And that was all she wrote! Stay tuned for more Sketchfest fun this weekend!
You can listen to the live episode here! Enjoy!
(This review originally published by Spinning Platters – thanks for sharing!)